
Scenic Design Professor Designs Burning Coal Theatre Production

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

By Mayra Trujillo-Camacho UNC Charlotte Assistant Professor of Scenic Design Thomas Burch has designed the set for the Burning Coal Theatre production of The Weir, a play by Conor McPherson. The Weir takes place in a small pub in rural Ireland and begins with a group of “regulars” who tell ghost stories of their town […]

Ashleigh Worley

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Theatre

Director of Education and Community Engagement, Luther Burbank Center for the Arts (Santa Rosa, CA)

Department of Theatre Presents Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

The Department of Theatre will present Shakespeare’s comedy, Twelfth Night, October 25-November 4 in the Black Box Theater in Robinson Hall. The production is directed by Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Andrew Hartley. Disguise and deception are at the center of Twelfth Night’s plot, in which Viola, separated in a shipwreck from her twin brother, […]

Theatre Alum Among “Top 10 under 10” Award Winners

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Mary Kenny, who graduated from UNC Charlotte with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre in 2010, is one of the “Top 10 Under Ten” Alumni Award winners. The awards, inaugurated this year by the UNC Charlotte Young Alumni Chapter, recognize 10 exceptional UNC Charlotte alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years. Kenny is […]

Chicago Immersive Theatre Production Written/Designed by Theatre Faculty

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

UNC Charlotte theatre faculty Aly Amidei and Tom Burch are part of the creative team behind a new immersive theatre production in Chicago. Masque Macabre, which runs October 4 -31 at Strawdog Theatre Company, is inspired by the stories of Edgar Allen Poe and modeled on the highly successful immersive theatre experience, Sleep No More. […]

Theatre Professors to be Guests on “Up Close and Cultural” Broadcast

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

On October 2, theatre professors Kaja Dunn and Carlos Cruz will be guests on the radio broadcast “Up Close and Cultural,” which airs on the Rochester (NY) station WAYO 104.3 FM. “Up Close and Cultural” explores challenging issues in 21st-century arts with host Rachel DeGuzman. Dunn and Cruz will discuss the culturally competent acting process […]

Theatre Alum Named to Goodman Playwrights Unit

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Theatre alumna Stacey Rose has been named to the Goodman Theatre’s Playwrights Unit in Chigago, one of four playwrights to be so honored. The Playwrights Unit, in partnership with Chicago Dramatists, meets bi-monthly to discuss their commissioned plays-in-progress with the Goodman’s artistic team. The residency culminates in a public staged reading of each new play […]

Theatre Professor wins TCG Global Connections Grant

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

CarlosAlexis Cruz, assistant professor of theatre, has been awarded a Global Connections “In the Lab” grant from the Theatre Communications Group (TCG). The $10,000 award will support a residency in Mexico City, where Cruz will continue his collaboration with Alicia Martinez-Alvarez and Laboratorio de La Máscara to develop his show, Pícaro. Inspired by the real-life […]

Theatre Professor Named VP of Black Theatre Network

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Assistant Professor of Stage Voice Chris Berry has been named the Vice President of the Executive Board of the Black Theatre Network. Founded in 1986, the Black Theatre Network is comprised of artists, educators, scholars, students, and theatre lovers who are dedicated to the exploration and preservation of the theatrical visions of the African Diaspora. […]

Alumna Wins Career Achievement Award from ATHE

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Department of Theatre alumna Caridad Svich has been awarded the 2018 Ellen Stewart Award for Career Achievement in Professional Theatre by the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). The honor, given annually to recognize superlative contributions to the field of theatre, was awarded at the ATHE 2018 conference in Boston. Since graduating from UNC […]