Angela Rajagopalan

Angela Rajagopalan
Dr. Angela Rajagopalan is the Chair and an Associate Professor of Art History in the Department of Art & Art History where she teaches courses on Pre-Columbian and early colonial art and architecture of Mexico. Her research focuses on sixteenth-century painted manuscripts from central Mexico and explores changing artistic practices in the century after the Spanish conquest. She is the author of a book titled, “Portraying the Aztec Past: The Codices Boturini, Azcatitlan, and Aubun” (University of Texas Press: 2019). Prior to her arrival at UNC Charlotte, she worked in several New York museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Americas Society Gallery, and the Hispanic Society of America. Dr. Rajagopalan has been the recipient of many awards including several competitive national grants. Among others, she has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Grant to Mexico from the U.S. Department of State, a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute award, a Coleman Memorial Fund Art History Fellowship from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and a Mellon Fellowship from the Council on Library and Information Resources.