Kobi Selby

Hometown: Greensboro, NC
BA in Theatre Performance with an English minor
How did you first get interested in theatre?
I became interested in theatre my sophomore year of high school. Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind was the theatre production that year, and I loved every minute of it! After that, I was hooked. The theatre bug had completely infected me.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to have a career full of many creative endeavors with theatre being one of them. I know how broad and unspecific that sounds, but I’m truly open minded when it comes to my life and interests. However, theatre is an everlasting art form that can be tailored in assisting or congregating people from all walks of life, and I would love to play a role in such a promising space.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Theatre?
This is my first semester in this particular department, and I truly appreciate how passionate the professors are about what they’re teaching. The same is true with my peers! The natural enthusiasm they have about their respective crafts has been inspiring and contagious.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the community?
As of now, I’m heavily involved in activities with my church back home in Greensboro. I volunteer in the youth department, and we primarily play recreational games, have snacks, and fellowship with a lesson.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I like to watch movies or binge watch shows. I also enjoy playing pickup basketball, soccer, or working out.