Chloe Dosreis

Hometown: Pfafftown, NC
Degree: BA in Dance Education
Graduation Year: 2024
How did you first get interested in dance?
I took my first dance classes when I was two years old, began performing at five, and never stopped!
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to teach commercial style dance in dance studios or in a public high school. I would love to continue to find performance opportunities as well.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Dance?
My favorite thing about the UNC Charlotte Dance Department is how close all the students and faculty within the department are. We spend a lot of time together in classes and performing each semester.
Can you talk about your experience as a scholarship student?
I am a Clara McKay and Charles H. Stone Freshman/Transfer Dance Scholarship, Belk Performing Arts Scholarship, and Dance Endowed Scholarship recipient. Not only do these help me financially to pursue my education, they have also encouraged me to seek specific opportunities such as student teaching and performing. I’ve been given opportunities to represent the department as we hold recruitment events for incoming dance students.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
In my free time, I like to be outside swimming and hiking, watching movies, being with friends, and of course dancing. I also work a lot with kids as a coach, babysitter, lifeguard, and counselor.