Ashley Jones

Hometown: New Bern, NC
Instrumental Music Education Major
How did you first get interested in music?
Music has always been a point of interest for me. However, my interest really blossomed in middle school when I decided to play the flute. As I continued playing, my love for music grew, and once I switched to oboe, I fell in love with the sound and the instrument itself.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
My goal is to teach a middle or high school band and be able to share my love and enjoyment of music to future generations.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Music?
The campus is beautiful and everyone is very welcoming. There is a lot of support from peers and professors to grow as a musician and as a person.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte community?
I attend art performances in the Charlotte area in theater, symphony, and any other concerts whenever I can. Two of my favorite shows were I Dream and Don Giovanni.
What’s one thing you have gained from the University Honors Program?
Many of the courses I have taken have helped me in my journey. The classes: Introductory Honors Seminar, Music in the Holocaust, and The Art of Applying Universal Skills: Crucial Tools for Life and Work have helped me learn how to focus and allowed me to work on my problem solving capabilities.
Can you talk about your experience as a scholarship student?
The benefits of the Gregory Underwood Music Scholarship have allowed me to be able to continue my studies to reach my goal.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy going out with friends- talking, watching a show, or just having fun. Along with this, I enjoy listening to music.