Aaron Bunzey

Marketing Assistant at the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, UNC Charlotte (2019)

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Aaron’s love for theatre and the arts started in elementary school. He initially started acting in school plays around the age of five, and since then, he has been involved with theatre on and off in a lot of different capacities both on and off stage. “In high school, I was more interested in engineering and architecture, specifically drafting and technical drawings. During college, I combined my interest in architecture and engineering with my love of theatre to focus my studies on scenic design and production,” he shared.

He is currently the marketing assistant at the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte. Aaron’s job consists of many different tasks, including managing the box office and assisting with school performances during the theatre’s season. Before landing in the Marketing Department, he worked with both the Education and Production Departments. “This job allows me to work with other theatre companies on the side in a more hands-on way.”

When asked about his education in the College of Arts + Architecture, Aaron said, “Without my time at UNC Charlotte, I would not have such a varied skill set as I do now. What comes into play day-to-day at the moment are the communication skills I learned at UNC Charlotte. I learned how to hold meetings and important conversations with folks in the field of theatre. Outside of my full time job, I am able to use my production knowledge when working with other theatre companies.”

Some of his favorite memories while attending UNC Charlotte include receiving word that he and his best friends were co-designing The Servant of Two Masters (below). “The excitement, joy, and tons of nerves that came with the news will forever be with me. That was only topped by getting to opening day after everything was said and done.”


Aaron has been able to work on many amazing productions at Children’s Theatre and beyond. One of his coworkers, Chris Stonnell, has a local theatre company called Post Mortem Players, which is a horror/macabre based theatre company that Aaron has now been working with since 2022. He shared that, “working with an up-and-coming theatre company that is doing something unique to this area has been a very enjoyable experience, and I am excited to see where it can go!”

His advice for current students: “Work towards finding a school/work/life balance that best suits you. We all work on passion and excitement for the craft, but that can come with overextending yourself very quickly. At the end of the day, quality will triumph over quantity, and I think your sanity may thank you as well.”