
Faculty, Alums Receive Artist Support Grants from ASC
Eight College of Arts + Architecture faculty and four CoA+A alumni are among the 74 recipients of 2022 Artist Support Grants awarded by the Arts & Science Council in conjunction with the arts councils of Cabarrus, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln and Rowan counties. Artist Support Grants support professional and artistic development for emerging and established artists […]

Rowe Gallery to Host New Work by Johannes Barfield
Rowe Gallery is pleased to host my sun is black as the glowing sea by night, an exhibition featuring new work by Johannes Barfield. The work was commissioned by UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture Director of Galleries, Adam N. Justice, with curation and creative direction by Justin Smith, founder/curator of Afrovisualism, and will […]

Book by Professor, Alums, Examines Effects of Social Media on Urban Space and Community Action
Professor of Architecture Eric Sauda and School of Architecture alumni Alireza Karduni and Ginette Wessel recently published their book, Social Media and the Contemporary City (Routledge). The book focuses on the interplay between social media, local communities, and urban space in a variety of political and economic settings related to social activism, informal economic activity, […]

Dance Alum/Professor Wins National Choreography Competition
Audrey Ipapo Baran ’03, dance alum and visiting assistant professor of dance, is one of four recipients of the Joffrey Academy of Dance’s 12th annual Winning Works Choreographic Competition. The Joffrey Academy is the official school of the Chicago-based Joffrey Ballet. The winning choreographers’ world-premiere works will be showcased on the dancers of the Joffrey […]

Architecture Student Wins First Prize in International Competition
Architecture graduate student Christina Slotkowski was recently awarded First Prize in the Re-imagining the Artefact student competition for her entry ” Re-imagining the Southern Porch, The Infinity Porch: A Gathering of Community.” Hosted by the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) at the 2021 annual conference at Loughborough University in London, the international competition attracted more […]

Mayor Appoints Professor to Neighborhood Equity and Stabilization Commission
Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles has appointed Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Nadia Anderson to the newly formed Charlotte Neighborhood Equity and STabilization Commission (Charlotte’s NEST). The commission was established by the recently adopted 2040 Comprehensive Plan and is part of the city’s efforts to address the displacement caused by gentrification. Charlotte’s NEST is […]

Professor’s Dance for Camera Work Included in SECCA Exhibition
Assistant Professor of Dance Tamara Williams is one of 25 artists whose work is included in Black@Intersection: Contemporary Black Voices in Art, a new exhibition at the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) in Winston Salem. Curated by Duane Cyrus, a former dancer with the Martha Graham and Alvin Ailey dance companies and a professor […]

Students Turn Basketball Courts Into Beautiful Art
A group of urban design and architecture students have transformed the basketball courts at Alexander Street Park into vibrant street murals in a partnership with the Charlotte Urban Design Center, an office in the City of Charlotte’s Planning, Design, and Development department. The student group, representing Master of Urban Design (MUD) students and students in […]

Professor’s Book Published by Routledge
Associate Professor of Architecture Jefferson Ellinger’s book, Philosophical Difference and Advanced Computation in Architectural Theory: From Less to More was recently published by Routledge. Ellinger’s book “presents a new take on the evolution of digital design theories in architecture from modernity to today, as they have been inspired both by contemporary philosophy and the emergence […]

Statement on the Death of Distinguished Alumnus Adé Hogue ’12
The Graphic Design program, the Department of Art & Art History, and the College of Arts + Architecture wish to express our sorrow for the death of alumnus Broderick Adé Hogue (BFA 2012). Adé was struck by a vehicle on October 27 in Chicago while training for an upcoming cycling race. He was taken to […]