Cami Magallanes

Hometowns: Santiago, Chile and Conegliano, Italy

BA in Architecture


How did you first get interested in design?
My interest in architecture comes from a mix of cultural exposure and family influence. Having lived in various places with distinct cultures, I developed an appreciation for how architecture reflects cultural identity and the diverse qualities it possesses. With several family members in the field, I was exposed to it from a young age.
A moment of realization, however, occurred when I was randomly placed in a drafting class in high school. Getting hands-on with architecture sparked a genuine passion. I continued to pursue it by joining an Intro to Architecture class in high school and participating in a program in Chicago, which solidified my decision to pursue architecture.
Beyond the technical aspects, my lifelong goal has been to make a meaningful impact and positively influence people’s lives. I believe that architecture is the perfect platform through which I can achieve these goals.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
Upon completing my bachelor’s degree, I plan to pursue a master’s degree at UNC Charlotte and eventually obtain my license. Throughout my college journey, I’ve developed a great interest in parametric architecture. My goal is to work in an environment that facilitates the continued growth of these skills. My passion for parametric architecture began in my computational methods class, where I was introduced to the basics of writing my own scripts. This curiosity led me to experiment further during a structural project in one of my studio courses, and ever since I’ve actively incorporated it into most of my designs and creative ideas. This interest became stronger the more I learned about it through precedents professors shared, and it became a favorite topic during history class, solidifying my realization that parametric architecture is the path I want to follow in my career. Ultimately, I aim to shape a career where I can apply and advance my expertise in parametric architecture.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte?
My favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, especially in my department, is the environment. The professors here create a welcoming atmosphere, they guide me while giving me the freedom to explore areas that genuinely interest me in my studies. I’ve had the privilege of learning from professors with very different perspectives and areas of expertise. Their openness to exchanging ideas has been a key factor in shaping my academic journey.
Equally, my classmates, who come from diverse cultural backgrounds, have played a crucial role in my learning experience. Engaging with them has not only broadened my understanding of different cultures but has also exposed me to a variety of design viewpoints. It’s a dynamic and enriching community that encourages a range of perspectives.
I also love the exciting opportunities our department offers, such as yearly field trips and study abroad programs, like the ones in Tokyo and Rome. These experiences go beyond the classroom and provide practical insights that enhance my overall learning adventure.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 
I began an internship at LS3P during the summer, and I am currently still involved with the firm. Balancing work while still in school has proven to be an invaluable opportunity that has taught me more than I could have anticipated about the real-world aspects of the profession and the practicalities of working at a firm. Engaging in hands-on projects has not only expanded my learning beyond the confines of the classroom but has also provided a more mature perspective by unraveling the complexities of the design process beyond hypothetical scenarios. Essentially, my academic and professional endeavors are not separate but work hand in hand, offering me a more comprehensive understanding of architecture.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
Outside of class, studying, or work, I stay active by hanging out with friends and exploring, whether it’s checking out nearby spots or going on a short getaway. I find that breaking from my daily routine has a way of igniting my creativity.